Contact Us
Happy to Serve You

At, we are committed to supporting pet parents by providing quality products and excellent customer service. Whether it is a suggestion, an inquiry about your order status or a product, our friendly and helpful customer service team will be happy to answer your questions and assist you.

You can reach us by phone or email.

Our customer service teams remain fully functional and will be available as usual on phone and by email from 9 AM - 6 PM CST, Monday - Saturday. However, please be aware that we are experiencing high volumes of calls and emails and so you may experience some delays. We would request you to limit your contact to essential matters at this time.

Our Address

6 Ubi Road 1, #5-11 Wintech Center, Singapore 408726
+65 6848 0745
Mon to Fri 9 AM to 4 PM SGT
Supervisory Contact

If you have any concerns about the product quality, refund or customer service that needs urgent attention, please email our supervisor at for a quick resolution. The team supervisor will try to resolve your issue within two working days.