Satisfaction Guarantee
Our Guarantee

SingaporePetCare takes pride in providing 100% customer satisfaction. To all our users, we promise the following:

Satisfaction Guarantee

Money Back GuaranteeFor peace of mind over every single purchase, we provide a money-back guarantee.  If your order is not delivered within 7 days after being shipped, we'll either refund the order value or ship the order again at no additional cost as per your convenience. Buyers are requested to contact us within five days of receiving the order, in case they are not happy with the product(s).

Satisfaction Guarantee

Product Quality GuaranteeTo provide you with the best, we procure products only from original manufacturers and/or authorised dealers. All the products we sell on our website are authentic, of the highest quality and carefully selected by experts.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Delivery GuaranteeAll our orders are delivered within 2-5 days from the day they are shipped. If your order is not delivered within 7 days after being shipped, we'll either refund the order value or ship the order again at no additional cost.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Privacy GuaranteeWe adhere to a stringent privacy policy to ensure we maintain the confidentiality of user information. Whether it is your personal information or financial data, we never share it with anyone. We use the latest technology and systems to safeguard your data and prevent information exchange.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Returns and Refunds

If you wish to return an order or product(s), please send us an email at within five days of receiving your order and we'll help you with the return procedure.

Kindly note, returns are only accepted for unopened products in their original packaging.